We are a grass-roots organization of neighbors and community members with a shared mission of joining together as a group to help steward the public woodlands in the surrounding hills. Joining together to care for our public lands is healthy for the land and even more so for it’s people. More about Sasquatch Woods People.

The Holland Roundup Revival 2023
Fall is approaching fast, and even with the looming presence of the fires and all this smoke, we are getting ready for the 2023 Holland Roundup, coming up on Sunday October 8th, at the Holland Store outside of Cave Junction. The plans are in the works right now! Music! Contests! Rural skills! Run through the Woods!
This year’s Roundup will be different the previous two in a couple of ways… (more)

The Historical Holland Roundup: A Hundred-Year-Old Tradition
The Holland Store has been a community gathering point for more than 100 years. Check out our collection of photos from the old days, or see the Second Annual Roundup 2022 page for last year’s details and photos. Details for this year’s Third Annual 2023 Holland Roundup Revival are posted here.

Trash-in-the-Woods Cleanup Day
The Sasquatch Woods People originally got their start by organizing clean-up events to pick up trash that has been dumped in the woods. Our most recent Cleanup Day was a couple of months ago in May, and as usual, it was epic! A crowd of neighbors joined together to pick up the trash at a half dozen nuisance sites, and we filled a 30-yard dumpster with it. (For those who haven’t done this before: 30 yards is A LOT OF TRASH!) We also removed about 50 tires from the woods, and cooperated with BLM to get 6 cars and a burned RV removed. Overall, it was an enormously successful cleanup season, and the woods are just a little better for it.
There is still a good bit of trash at a few other sites, up in the hills above the Holland Store – mainly in the Tartar Gulch and Althouse Creek areas. SWP has a grant to provide funding for vehicle removal, supplies and disposal fees, but we need all the volunteers we can get to help pick up all the junk! So stay tuned for future cleanup events, if you are interested in pitching in.
Yes, we know the trash is such a tiny problem compared to the clearcuts. But when they are clearcutting and spraying the hillsides in all directions, and you can’t make them stop (yet), it is deeply therapeutic to take action in one little place and make it better. Every time we clean up a trash spot and set it back to it’s beautiful, natural condition, we can take one deep breath and keep moving forward. It is so worth it!
Save the Trees! The campaign to End Clearcutting in Oregon
It’s got to stop. Our forested hillsides are being devastated, and once cut, will never be the same again. We are just starting a task that is too huge to think about but too important to avoid: stopping clearcuts in all of Oregon. We are in the start-up stages right now, and we’d love to hear your ideas! Contact us here, or call Jo-el directly at (541)592-9254. Read his end-clearcutting manifesto here. Find more information about the current clearcuts, corporate timber ownership in Josephine County, recent posts, and upcoming events, here.

The whole foundation is the group of volunteers! If you’d be interested in joining up with our stewardship mission, we’d love to hear from you. It is time to get serious and cooperate in the stewardship of the woods, and we need all the help we can get. On a side track, there will be more trash-in-the-woods cleanup projects coming up, which are always so much easier with many hands. Contact us to join in!