
Roundup of Gratitude 2022 1

Roundup of Gratitude 2022

It is Sunday morning, one week since the Holland Roundup.  At this time of dawn last Sunday, I was walking as fast as I could, throwing white oak firewood into my truck, along with...

Good News: Aerial Spray Cancelled 0

Good News: Aerial Spray Cancelled

John Hancock is not going to helicopter-spray in O’Brien after all (newsletter from 4/20/2022)      The helicopter spraying that was supposed to happen in O’Brien has been canceled.  Cindy and several other residents...


Oregon Department of Forestry – CONVERSATION

In conclusion, this phonecall was a great start into the startling revealation of what is going on with the wild and mature woods in our state that are arguably one of the countries most powerful sources of climate change mitigation.


The Campaign to End Clearcutting in Oregon – Josephine County

We need to save the trees of Oregon now so they can help save our planet. We need to lead the way of higher tree consciousness for the rest of the country. We need to have the largest impact on our country’s role in solving the climate crisis. A crisis is meant to unify us. Stopping the clearcutting in this county might be the beacon of hope we need to see right now.