Endorsement for County Commissioner

Why we are voting for Brian DeLaGrange

This newsletter is just a short message to let everyone know that our vote for Josephine County Commissioner will go to Brian DeLaGrange. We believe he is the best candidate to be strongly in favor of ending the clearcutting in the county. We spoke with him at the Williams Community Forest Project’s Earth Day event last weekend (he was out to support the Earth Day event, and the Williams community seems to support him as well). He signed our petition and spoke with us in a very sincere and concerned way about the Wall Street clearcutting in the county. He listened well, was made aware of the scope of the issue, and promised to work to remedy the situation. He expressed interest in having us be involved in a plan of action, and he recognized this as an opportunity to build a more local, sustainable approach to forestry in Josephine. He has a facebook page @ BrianDeLaGrangeGP where you can learn more. My impression is that he is prepared for the Commissioner position, with relevant experience in city government, an understanding of where he lives, and a desire to connect with others.

Ballots were just sent out last week, and are due back in by May 17th. If you haven’t registered to vote, it’s too late to do so for this election, but, this is the primary election. So make sure to register soon (there should be forms at the Post Office) so that you can vote in the finals in November.

It would be a whole new day in County government if we had a Commissioner who believes that it’s urgent to “stop the exploitation of the land base” (Brian’s phrase) for the health of the watershed, the soil, the whole ecosystem.

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